
lost in thought的意思

lost in thought

  • 网络陷入沉思;陷入思考;想得出神


  • 1.Such a moving film was it that they were all lost in thought after it was over.


  • 2.He became lost In thought, and a look of Inward illumInation came Into his eyes.


  • 3.They are often lost in thought, lost in a book or an activity to the point where they do not register their surroundings.


  • 4.He seemed lost in thought and nod his head, but I can still see the upset and loss from his confused eyes.


  • 5.She was lost in thought, and did not seem to notice that everyone was looking at her.


  • 6.I had been lost in thought for so long that it was only when the train whistle blew that I came to myself.


  • 7.Lost in thought, he didn't notice that I was staring at him. Presenting Cooperate to finish the content on your handout.


  • 8.Late at night, when I am lost in thought, I am often trying to work out chess games or predict what the next big business will be.


  • 9.as distant and bemused as a professor listening to the prattling of his freshman class; lost in thought; a preoccupied frown.


  • 10.He sat ? lost in thought. ? ? ? there, ? , ? losing himself in thought.



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